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Recruiting For Purpose - Thoughtful & Responsible Approach !

“If today were the last day of your life, what would you do?”  is a good question to focus your candidates’ priorities, but it doesn’t help capture their purpose in life. For example, if it were my last day alive, I would want to spend it with my family around me. I would venture to say that many people would want the same. However, a purpose in life is something you do over a period of time – not one day

No one will argue that clearly defining a job’s required duties is important and necessary, but few have thought further about the essence of what a job asks of an employee – the job’s purpose .

In a world where up to 80% of employees are unhappy in their jobs and most companies struggle to articulate their purpose, how do you hire an organization of people who feel so passionate about what they do that they can’t stop doing it? It is very much important to have 'Purpose Based Recruitment Process'

It is important to have a purpose check with your candidates – better understand their purpose in life and determine if they align with your company’s purpose.

Companies that have a strong sense of purpose – as perceived by their employees – also have a history of strong financial performance, high employee engagement, and satisfied customers. Purpose is a reason for being that goes beyond making money . It lays the foundation for its very existence .

What companies do for its clients, its employees, the communities and society at large are all interconnected. A culture of purpose ensures that management and employees alike see each as a reason to go to work every day.

Being able to articulate your organizational purpose is key to recruiting the right employees for your company.

Organizations with a strong sense of purpose talk about it on their websites, showcase it across all the social & professional platforms , and frequently speak about it at all levels of their organization which has to be by & large endorsed and advocated by its employees.

Regardless of the role, every job in an organization has a purpose, and this purpose must connect to the larger purpose of your business.

'It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose ' -

"Purpose is a reason for being that goes beyond making money – and it almost always results in making more money than you ever thought possible." - Roy M. Spence Jr’s

It is important to have a purpose check and if these two components are missing, then there will always be a disconnect for your employees on the purpose , and they will never achieve the deep level of engagement that will have the maximum impact on your business.

Recruitment Process Needs To Be Thoughtful & Responsible While Aligning It With The Business Purpose .


By Sarla Sharma

Pioneer Management Consultant Pvt Ltd

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