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Unjust Rejections - A Stark Reality

A single mother being rejected everytime , the interview is more of probing and interrogating her about the last two jobs that she had to quit within a year out of 16 years of  CONSISTENT  employment journey .

Sadly, every interviewer focuses on her last two jobs which was not very consistent  rather than noticing her competencies, skills and the experience that she can bring to the organisation. The discussion is focussed more on probing and interrogating her about the last two jobs that she had to quit within a year. 

Isn't the system forcing her to misguide and misinform them if she needs the job?

What kind of a society are we in?

In today's times, when we think that we have rational and levelheaded professionals around us, we come across such judgemental people with a mentality that cannot think beyond certain limits. The interviewers fail to see beyond her 1 year of job inconsistency, to appreciate her 16 years of consistent hard work. Sadly this weighs heavily on her 16 yrs career.

It's beyond my understanding why is the HR/ Hiring Manager so unsympathetic when the actual role of an HR requires one to be humane and practical? An HR is supposed to be that segment of an organization that understands people and can see a broader picture in any scenario. What is the role of HR if it fails to meet it's basic purpose?

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Sarla Sharma

Managing Director 
Pioneer Management Consultant Pvt Ltd
Connecting Businesses with their People.

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